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808Cute HONKON 808nm dioda laser Mesin panyabutan bulu permanén

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runtuyan produk 808nm dioda laser
Ngaran modél 808Imut
Pangobatan cecekelan FH-05
Kapadetan énergi 3-220J/cm²
Lebar pluse 3-300ms
Ukuran Spot 12*23mm²
Sumber kakuatan laser 1200W
kakuatan mesin 2200W
Panjang gelombang 808nm
Frékuénsi 1-10
Métode Cooling Cooling semi-konduktor, cooling hawa jeung cooling cai
Sertipikat AS FDA + Med CE
Ngaran Brand HONKON
Rincian bungkusan 75*50*85CM,55KGS

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Téori perlakuan panyabutan bulu laser

Jero penetrasi éféktif 808nm diode laser bisa ngahontal target jaringan papilla Dermal.Durasi pulsa anu pas pikeun target nyaéta karusakan panas anu cukup sareng jaringan sakurilingna bieu pisan kapangaruhan.Nyadiakeun kaluaran énérgi anu cukup pikeun ngaruksak jaringan target sareng jaringan normal ampir teu kapangaruhan.Ukuran panyalindungan kulit pikeun ngajamin karusakan jaringan target anu cukup.Pikeun mastikeun kasalametan perlakuan.Dina mode kapadetan énergi anu rendah, folikel rambut dipanaskeun dugi ka 75 ℃ sareng folikel rambut sareng sél stém pertumbuhan dicabut tina kagiatan kamekaran ku pangropéa ngageser tina panangan perawatan sareng folikel rambut (kaayaan 10hz).
Pamutahiran anu kuat langkung aman, gancang, henteu aya rasa nyeri, éfisién, éta mangrupikeun alat panyabutan rambut anu anjeun pikahoyong.
Laser sacara selektif nindakkeun mélanin dina follocle rambut, anu ngancurkeun daérah germinal dina rambut anu haneut.
shedding bulu alam, pikeun ngahontal tujuan panyabutan bulu.
Merangsang regenerasi kolagén, ngurangan pori-pori, nyieun kulit kedap mulus dina waktos anu sareng.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Wincik showing.Machine, cecekelan jeung tampilan

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.


Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.

Fitur & Kaunggulan

1.Laser kakuatan nepi ka 1200W
808 diode laser mesin kageulisan, kakuatan tinggi 1200W, lebar pulsa sempit, panyabutan bulu ultra-és, speed tinggi na akurat.Jérman Laser Sumber.Énergi anu langkung luhur sareng umur hirup anu langkung panjang.(Leuwih ti 50juta nembak) 6 taun, teu aya masalah.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine

2. titik badag, penetrasi jero
808Cute ukuran titik badag (12mm * 23mm) jero penetrasi laser ensures leuwih aman panyabutan bulu effect.Big cecekelan pikeun awak Lengser Bulu, gancang jeung efisien,
3. Ngadopsi téhnologi channel mikro canggih
Alat panyabutan bulu portabel anu paling murah sareng téknologi saluran mikro di sakuliah dunya nyadar dioda laser katirisan panyabutan rambut henteu aya rasa nyeri.
4.Portable merenah
Mesin panyabutan bulu laser dioda tinny sareng portabel sareng téknologi saluran mikro anu kuat langkung cocog pikeun transportasi sareng mawa (pangobatan médis sélulér) pikeun nempatkeun di klinik sareng ngalaksanakeun

5.Small tip serat pikeun Rambut rupa, sarta bulu kandel jeung garis Rambut, 360 gelar tiasa ngalakukeun sagala bulu rupa jeung wewengkon leutik tur garis bulu.

808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)

FDA, CE, Sertipikat, Standar Médis.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (10)

Hasil sareng Sesi,
Dioda laser 808nm, Mesin kakuatan luhur.
hasilna alus.
Peryogi 3-4 Sesi pikeun ngarengsekeun Pangurangan Rambut.
Dioda laser Rambut Réduksi Eupan Balik Alus.

Laser Hair Removal Treatment Theory  The effective penetration depth of 808nm diode laser can reach the target tissue Dermal papilla. The appropriate pulse duration of the target is sufficient heat damage and the surrounding tissue is barely affected. Provide sufficient energy output to damage the target tissue and normal tissue is almost unaffected. Skin protection measures to guarantee enough target tissue damage. To ensure the safety of the treatment. Under the mode of low energy density, the hair follicles were heated to 75℃ and the hair follicle and growth stem cells were deprived of the growth activity by the sliding maintenance of the treatment hand and the hair follicles(10hz state). Powerful upgrade are more secure, fast, painless, efficient, it’s your preferred hair removal device. The laser selectively acts on the melanin in the hair follocle, which destroys the germinal region in the hair warm. Natural hair shedding, to achieve the purpose of hair removal. Stimulate collagen regeneration, reduce the pores, make the skin tight smooth at the same time.
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (16)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (12)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (13)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (14)
808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (15)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (5)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (6)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (7)
808Cute HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (8)

FDA, CE, Sertipikat, Standar Médis.

808kk-1200 HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)


Mesin laser dioda Honkon 808nm, 808Cute, mangrupikeun laser dioda kakuatan anu langkung luhur, anu tiasa ngalakukeun panyabutan rambut gancang sareng éfisién.Éta ngadopsi sumber laser Jerman anu tiasa ngajamin énergi anu langkung luhur sareng ogé kalayan umur anu langkung panjang.Kalayan pangalaman 20 taun.Honkon parantos nyayogikeun langkung ti 5000Sets 808Cute modél, éta masihan hasil anu saé sareng nampi reputasi anu saé di sakumna dunya.

HONKON Cabang Demo Room

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (1)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (4)
808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (2)

HONKON OVERSEAS Marketing & Service Tim

808XF HONKON 808nm Diode Laser Permanent Hair Removal Machine (3)

HONKON Service Doméstik & Tim Marketing

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